Who we are and what we stand for

We are a dedicated team with more than 10 years of experience treating patients with different types of cancers, offering vanguard immunotherapy treatments focused on an integral view of the patient as a whole.

To view a list of the types of cancers we’ve treated, click here.

Our commitment to excellence

At Immunotherapy Baja we are committed to excellence, devoted to offering Immunotherapy treatment to patients with a cancer diagnosis aiming to increase their quality of life by focusing on their overall well-being while accompanying them on their journey to achieve remission.

Providing an integral care to our patients is of the outmost importance.

We maintain a close clinical follow up, providing medical guidance in the short, medium and long term.


We believe in what we do, and we believe in delivering high quality immunotherapy products to our patients. Through strategical alliances we are able to do so in a more affordable manner without compromising the quality and security of the products.

The only certified lab at your service.

The immunotherapy you will receive from us is prepared at the best equipped and only certified laboratory in the city.